Meet the Experts: Divesting a Company/Business Unit

Meet the Experts: Divesting a Company/Business Unit

Meet the Experts: Divesting a Company/Business Unit - What JDE Customers Need to Know

Preparing for a divestiture of a company or business unit? Looking to better understand the operational and technology considerations?

Join this session to learn from a panel of experts:
  1. How will data be managed, whether moved to another JDE instance, migrated to another system, or used with a reporting tool?
  2. How will you identify the data that is in scope?
  3. Does data need to be simply copied, or copied and purged from the existing system?
  4. Is there shared data (e.g., vendors, customers, or items)?
Special thank you to CE Experts Ed Howell, Harshal Sheth and Nirav Shah for providing the content for this webinar

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