QA Testing for your JD Edwards 9.2 Upgrade

“Ensuring Project Success through End-To-End Quality & Risk Mitigation is important aspect of any project.” “While, everyone is focused on the latest JD Edwards 9.2 upgrade, its a good time to take a step back and analyze the entire applications and systems footprint.”
”The objectives of JDE Testing are to verify that the installed system, which includes the JDE software, integrations, custom code and manual procedures, perform per business requirements:”
  • Execution is as specified and without error
  • Validates with the users and management that the delivered system performs in accordance with the stated system requirements.
  • Ensures that the system works with other existing systems, including but not limited to interfaces, conversions, and reports.

”QA testing typically has two components: Functional and Non-Functional (Technical & Load)” “Regression Testing verifies that functionality previously released into the Production JDE environment will not be negatively affected by new, modified, or upgraded functionality.”

”Integration Testing is the satisfactory execution of processes. This phase of testing ensures that the JDE software functions correctly, system configuration tables are set up correctly, programs run correctly, and system outputs are reliable.”

”Performance Testing validates that the software, hardware, and network infrastructures are in place and operating at efficient levels. This testing is required to adequately stress the JDE and related Non-JDE systems in a network environment, inclusive of remote sites/nodes. Performance testing will also include testing of those business processes that would cause stress due to high transaction or batch volumes.

”All the above testing can be either manual or automated and there are various tools available such as below to accomplish it.”
  • QTP
  • Selenium
  • Oracle Application Testing Suite (OATS)
  • Mercury
  • Soap UI
  • Related Resources